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Cherratta Units
From $ 300.00/night

This room feature provide guests with individual occupancy, a queen bed, a private ensuite, and a fully equipped workstation. Access to the Cherratta Lodge central facilities including our Balinese thatched hut overlooking the central swimming pool and gymnasium is also available for all to enjoy.

Cherratta Lodge Rooms
From $ .00/night

Newly renovated Queen size room features an ensuite bathroom, 32″ smart TV with Foxtel Platinum IQ. With high-speed internet and a desk, this room is the perfect choice for all corporate travellers.


What Our Guests Have To Say

"Great room, Great meals, beautiful pool, Great staff what else could a FIFO worker ask for".
John Hand -
“Completely stress-free and comfortable, at times I had forgotten I was even there for work”.
Richard Daws -
"Very good food - fresh, tasty. This is the best! I have been in Pilbara for over 40 years and never tasted such good food. Keep the work up chef and staff."  
Yasser Zreik -
“Best place I’ve stayed in the 8 years of FIFO”

Roger Smith -
"The College was very pleased to award the inaugural Cherratta Scholarships. Prospective Year 7 students were encouraged to apply for these generous scholarships, which the panel awarded after reviewing applications and an interview process for applicants. The scholarships, for students of diverse backgrounds, have been awarded to Brian Nguyen and William Lukas, both Year 7. The College extends its thanks to the Cherratta community for its extremely generous commitment to the provision of education through this scholarship."
St. Luke’s College -
"We would like to thank Cherratta Lodge for the support. The strong relationship that has developed between us provides outstanding opportunities for our students. Your ability to provide flexible and innovative opportunities in a warm and welcoming environment is unique. We especially appreciate your eagerness to provide opportunities to those young people who are at risk within our society. We have seen excellent outcomes for our students who engage with Cherratta Lodge. Students’ learning is enriched through real and relevant experiences which provide an understanding of an actual workplace and students learn and grow socially, and academically and develop work-ready skills. These types of opportunities are invaluable in a learning environment. We are eager to continue and strengthen our relationship with Cherratta Lodge and look forward to what it will mean for our students and the community."
Karratha Senior High School -
Another huge success! Thank you for supporting Dampier Bowling Club's Annual Bowling Carnival 2021."
Dampier Bowling Club -
"Thank you to Cherratta Lodge for the amazing food! Great to catch up with some of the seniors from Karratha, Dampier, and Roebourne to celebrate the end of the year with the annual Christmas Lunch. It has been a very tough year for our Pilbara community and especially for our senior citizens, so it was a pleasure to host a lunch for them."
Kevin Michel MLA -